Roadmap React Dev

March 05, 2019 by


  1. Basics
    1. HTML
      • Learn the basics of HTML
      • Make a few pages as an exercise
    2. CSS
      • Learn the basics of CSS
      • Style pages from previous step
      • Build a page with grid and flexbox
    3. JS Basics
      • Get familiar with the syntax
      • Learn basic operations on DOM
      • Learn mechanisms typical for JS (Hoisting, Event Bubbling, Prototyping)
      • Make some AJAX (XHR) calls
      • Learn new features (ECMA Script 6+)
      • Additionally, get familiar with the jQuery library
  2. General Development Skills
    1. Learn GIT, create a few repositories on GitHub, share your code with other people
    2. Know HTTP(S) protocol, request methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS)
    3. Don't be afraid of using Google, Power Searching with Google
    4. Get familiar with terminal, configure your shell (bash, zsh, fish)
    5. Read a few books about algorithms and data structures
    6. Read a few books about design patterns
  3. Learn React on official website or complete some courses
  4. Get familiar with tools that you will be using
    1. Package Managers
    2. Task Runners
  5. Styling
    1. CSS Preprocessor
    2. CSS Frameworks
    3. CSS Architecture
    4. CSS in JS
  6. State Management
    1. Component State/Context API
    2. Redux
      1. Async actions (Side Effects)
      2. Helpers
      3. Data persistence
      4. Redux Form
    3. MobX
  7. Type Checkers
  8. Form Helpers
  9. Routing
  10. API Clients
    1. REST
    2. GraphQL
  11. Utility Libraries
  12. Testing
    1. Unit Testing
    2. End to End Testing
    3. Integration Testing
  13. Internationalization
  14. Server Side Rendering
  15. Static Site Generator
  16. Backend Framework Integration
  17. Mobile
  18. Desktop
  19. Virtual Reality